Chempros Ltd Commitment to International Human Rights Standards and Fundamental Rights at Work
Chempros Ltd对国际人权标准和工作中基本权利的承诺
At Chempros Ltd we are committed to upholding international human rights standards and fundamental rights at work. We recognize the importance of respecting and promoting the dignity, equality and wellbeing of all individuals within our sphere of influence. This commitment extends to our employees, contractors, customers and the communities in which we operate.
Our Commitments: 我们的承诺:
Respect for Human Rights 尊重人权
We affirm our commitment to respecting the internationally recognized human rights as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and other relevant international conventions and treaties.
Fundamental Rights at Work 工作中的基本权利
We specifically endorse the fundamental rights set out in the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which include:
· Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
· The elimination of forced or compulsory labour
· The abolition of child labour
· The elimination of discrimination in the workplace
· The right to a safe and healthy working environment
Non-Discrimination 不歧视
We prohibit discrimination in any form, including but not limited to race, colour, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.
Labor Rights 劳工权利
We support the right of all workers to fair wages, safe working conditions and freedom of association and collective bargaining. We are committed to complying with all relevant labour laws and regulations in every jurisdiction where we operate.
Child Labor and Forced Labour 童工和强迫劳动
We condemn the use of child labour and forced labour in all its forms. We do not tolerate any involvement in or support for practices that exploit or coerce individuals into work against their will.
Supply Chain Responsibility 供应链责任
We expect our suppliers, contractors, and business partners to adhere to the same principles and standards outlined in this policy. We strive to work collaboratively with them to ensure the protection of human rights throughout our supply chain.
Transparency and Accountability 透明度和问责制
We are committed to maintaining transparency in our operations and to being held accountable for our actions. We encourage open dialogue with stakeholders and welcome feedback on our human rights performance.
Implementation: 实施
Training and Awareness 培训和意识
We will provide training and awareness programs to our employees to ensure understanding and compliance with this policy.
Monitoring and Reporting: We will establish mechanisms for monitoring and reporting on our human rights performance, including regular assessments and audits of our operations and supply chain.
Continuous Improvement 持续改进
We are dedicated to continuous improvement in our human rights practices. We will review and update this policy periodically to reflect evolving standards and best practices.
Conclusion: 结论
By adopting this policy, Chempros Ltd reaffirms its commitment to upholding international human rights standards and fundamental rights at work. We believe that by respecting and promoting human rights, we not only fulfil our ethical obligations but also contribute to the long-term sustainability and success of our business and society as a whole.
通过采取这一政策,Chempros Ltd重申其致力于维护国际人权标准和工作中的基本权利。我们相信,通过尊重和促进人权,我们不仅履行了道德义务,而且为我们的企业和整个社会的长期可持续性和成功做出了贡献。
Signature 签名
Name: 名字 盛立龙
Title: 职位 General Manager
Date: 日期 June 1st,2024